Department of Surgery and Radiology
- Equine surgery
- Small animal surgery
- Surgery with Anesthesiology
- Bovine surgery
- Radiology
12.03.2013- Regulations within the Department of Surgery and Radiology
18.04.2013- Scientific groups:
-Small animal surgery- prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Adamiak
-Equine surgery- lek.wet. Marta Jaskólska
Magnetic resonance room (prof. dr hab Z. Adamiak, lek. wet. P. Przyborowska, lek. wet. Y. Zhalniarovich)
-diagnosis of neurocranium diseases
-diagnosis of spinal cord disorders
-diagnosis of joints, bones and tendons diseases in horses, dogs and cats
Ophtalmology room (dr hab. M. Lew)
-UEP examination
X-ray room (dr n. wet. M. Jałyński, lek. wet. Z. Peczyński)
Videosurgery room (prof. dr hab. Z. Adamiak, dr n. wet. P. Holak)