The Department's research activities concern the physiology and pathology of reproduction in companion, farm, and non-domestic animals. Research relates to many aspects of diagnosing, treating, and managing reproductive disorders. Endocrinological, cytological, histochemical, molecular biology and proteomics, and computer-assisted semen quality assessment (CASA) methods are used.
The Department's current scientific activities focus on the following topics:
- subclinical endometritis in cows
- hormone therapy of anoestrus in cows
- causes of repeat breeding in cows
- the impact of an integrated herd health program on the fertility of high-yielding dairy cows
- ultrasonographic fetometry in bitches and queens
- infectious causes of infertility in bitches
- aetiopathogenesis of placental retention in mares
- treatment of ovarian tumors in mares
- embryonic mortality in mares
- causes of infertility and methods of improving semen quality in male dogs
The department cooperates scientifically with renowned foreign institutions (Justus Liebig University Giessen, University of Zurich, Ghent University, University of Dublin, University Paris-Saclay). Research results are presented in the form of publications and at national and international scientific conferences and training courses for veterinarians and breeders.