
Department of Veterinary Prevention and Feed Hygiene

Trade and customs regulations for veterinary products

RADE AND CUSTOMS REGULATIONS FOR VETERINARY PRODUCTS (elective course) - OBJECTIVE – Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Science will learn about trade, customs and border control regulations applicable to animals, animal feeds, food products of animal origin and biological materials. LECTURES – Veterinary control of animals and feeds produced in the European Union. Veterinary control of animals and feeds produced in third countries. Veterinary control of food products of animal origin produced in the European Union. Veterinary control of food products of animal origin produced in third countries. Veterinary control in the trade and distribution of biological materials (embryos and semen). Structure and operations of veterinary border controls in view of harmonized EU standards. Types of certificates, mode and manner of veterinary border control. Veterinary control of goods manufactured in the European Union and third countries. Trade in animals and animal products on a single market. CLASSES – Structure and operations of the veterinary border inspection. Tasks of the border veterinarian. TRACES system in operation. Customs clearance stages. Physical control of animal products. Document control.

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