
Department of Veterinary Prevention and Feed Hygiene

Biostatistics and documentation methods

BIOSTATISTICS AND DOCUMENTATION METHODS – OBJECTIVE Students will learn about tools for statistical analyses of biological data pertaining to animal maintenance and breeding. Students will become familiar with soft copy and hard copy documents used in veterinary practice. LECTURES – The use of statistical methods in biology in animal experiments, including theoretical and empirical data distributions. Data distribution parameters (arithmetic mean, weighted average, variance, standard deviation, median, modal value), interpretation of distribution parameters. Point and interval estimation of parameters. Verification of statistical hypotheses. Correlation and regression. Variance analysis. CLASSES – Biostatistical methods involving statistical tools, including Excel and Statistica software. Developing stemplots, calculating and interpreting parameters. Biostatistics – point and interval estimation of parameters, parameter estimation based on interval values for means and variances. Correlation and regression. Biostatistics – variance analysis. Examples of biostatistical analyses. Veterinary documentation in soft copy and hard copy format. Review of veterinary websites, including SPIWet, TRACES,  and Celab, and animal breeding websites: Obora and Symlek. Veterinary practice management software on the example of the Klinika Weterynaryjna program.

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