
Department of Veterinary Prevention and Feed Hygiene

Animal feeding and feed science

ANIMAL FEEDING AND FEED SCIENCE – OBJECTIVESignificance of essential nutrients in animal feeding. Digestion and metabolism in monogastric and polygastric animals. Nutrient digestibility. Feed evaluation systems. Natural and processed feeds, feed ingredients. Feed additives in animal nutrition. Nutrient requirements of different animal species and production groups. Standard doses, animal feeding systems and technologies. Industrial feed production. Animal nutrition in the growing and finishing periods. Feed production and distribution controls. LECTURES – Students will learn about nutrient uptake, digestion and absorption in different animal species and production groups, nutrient and energy metabolism at different stages of the production cycle, nutrient requirements of farm animals, pets, companion animals and aquatic animals, nutrient dosing and utilization. CLASSES – Students will learn about nutrient concentrations and digestibility, evaluating the energy value of feed, nutritional value of feed proteins, feeding regimes for pigs, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, companion animals and pets, professional software for designing nutritionally balanced rations, feed ingredients, feed additives and premixes, roughage preservation methods, supplementary feeds – cereal grains, legume seeds, oil plant seeds, feeds for pets and companion animals, fish feeds, feeds of animal and microbiological origin, by-products of the milling, starch, vegetable oil and dairy industry, milk replacers – composition, labeling and technological requirements introduced by EU law, feed mix production technology, machines and equipment used in the feed industry.

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