
Department of Veterinary Prevention and Feed Hygiene



  1. Alternative Research Laboratory
  2. Toxicology Laboratory

Research support services

  • Diagnosis of mycotoxicoses in animals,
  • Evaluations of mycotoxin and mycotoxin metabolite concentrations in plant material, animal material and feeds, including aflatoxin, ochratoxin A, deoxivalenol, T-2 toxin, fumonisins and zearalenone,
  • Development of prevention programs for pigs in view of environmental and nutritional requirements,
  • Development of expert reports on the health status and causes of problems in pig herds,
  • Evaluations of feed additives administered to various animal species for preventive and therapeutic purposes,
  • Evaluations of the quality and health-promoting properties of animal feeds,
  • Evaluations of xenobiotics in in vitro cultures (granulosa, theca and MCF-7 cell cultures).