
Department of Epizootiology



  • Laboratory of bacteriology
  • Laboratory of serology
  • Laboratory of molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases
  • Laboratory of diagnostics of carnivorous animal diseases
  • Laboratory of diagnostics of fish, reptiles and amphibian diseases
  • Pavilion of experimental infections
  • Pavilion of rabies observation

Activity comprises an area of infectious diseases of farm, accompanying, fur and free living animals, farming and aquarial fish, reptiles and amphibia

Range of examinations/Service offer

  • diagnostics of infectious diseases of animals based on results of diagnostic examinations
  • elaborating veterinary opinions and judgements concerning more difficult cases of infectious diseases of animals
  • giving advice and consultations in the range of infectious diseases
  • performing laboratory examinations – bacteriological, serological, molecular used in the diagnostics of infectious diseases
  • evaluation of epizootic situation of selected infectious diseases based on laboratory examinations
  • evaluation of toxicity and efficacy of biocides
  • production of autovaccines against selected infectious diseases of fish
  • conducting studies on pathogenesis and immunogenicity of selected infectious agents for animals
  • research on improvement of laboratory diagnostic methods of infectious diseases of animals
  • research on improvement of prophylactic and treatment methods of infectious diseases of animals
  • conducting rabies observations of various species of domestic and wild animals

Presentation of Departmental Laboratories http://pl.wet.uwm.edu.pl/media/upload/articlefiles/130/warsztat_badawczy-popr_panelminified.pdf