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07.11.2023 | General knowledge | Author: Remigiusz Gałęcki 0
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W toku: Aktualizacja treści na portalu Termin do 31.12.2023

Ultrasound method for detection and monitoring of a pregnancy in a mare

07.05.2014 | General knowledge | Opublikował/a: Anna Rapacz-Leonard 0
Ultrasound method for detection and monitoring of a pregnancy in a mare

Ultrasound is the most powerful and useful tool for early detection of a pregnancy in a mare. It also helps to monitor a development of the pregnancy.

Breeding-induced endometritis in a mare

07.05.2014 | 3. Diseases | Opublikował/a: Anna Rapacz-Leonard 0

Breeding-induced endometritis in a mare is one of the most common complications that occurs after insemination.